It all started as an incredibly curious young boy, watching my father in his woodshop. From fixing TVs and CB radios, to intricately building furniture or boats, I learned what it takes to be a maker. The drive to create was written into my DNA and impressed upon my heart.
After college, an apprenticeship at a leatherworks shop reignited that childlike curiosity and joy. I fell in love with making marvelous things out of leather. No matter where my journey took me, through decades of nomadic exploring and wandering, studying botany, zoology, and industrial design, to inventing award-winning toys and games, I never stopped thinking about returning to my love of leather.
Working with leather is a sacred privilege. A true maker knows by the scent of it. The touch of it. It should be held in reverence and appreciation. In the right hands, the warmth and steadfastness of leather can be crafted to serve and last for a lifetime.
As the curious boy, the wandering man, the maker, I use my lifetime of experience in innovative design and craftsmanship to create leather goods for people who value deep, long-lasting beauty. Every piece we make at Lund Leather will accompany someone on their own exploring and wandering journey. That’s why every handmade leather good is sent off with a blessing; a hope that whoever carries it and wherever they go, they will be the maker of their own life, and build something that lasts forever.
May Luck Follow You Always,